Friday, October 9, 2009
Still Waiting...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Quick Update
I had a 34 day cycle last month which was atypical and I thought I may have been preggo. I have had a 28 day cycle for the past year and all of a sudden it is all screwed up. I am thinking I may have O'd late but I know if I do not get AF tomorrow something is definitely up. Tomorrow will make CD36....
Friday, October 2, 2009
Do you know what sucks about not using OPK's
I touched her belly...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I'll take IVF much Alex?
There is however some hope and it all started out with my FIL suggesting that we try the whole "IVF Vacation" deal. I must admit, it did sound like a pretty sweet deal. Babe and I were thinking either Barbados or Mexico. And new hobby became researching hundreds of medical travel companies. We were pretty set and next year we were planning to head to Mexico.
But everyone knows how the internet works. You start out with one thing and it just sucks you in. This was however, one time which I didn't mind being sucked in. After more research I discovered the Mini IVF or Mini Stim. The Mini Stim is where they use Clomid and a small amount of injectible meds to stimulate the ovaries. The point is to only get enough eggs for a fresh transfer. So, two or three max. I felt this was good for me because I stim very well on clomid so I shouldn't have any issues there
And best of all....It's only $5900 plus a few hundred for meds. The reason it is cheaper than traditional IVF is because you are not using nearly as much medicine therefore you save thousands. We will be having a consult with the clinic either over Christmas break or Spring break. I anticipate having the funds by June at the latest.
Needless to say Babe and I ARE.SO.FREAKING.EXCITED!!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Who is that knocking on my chamber door?
- No, using the OPK's didn't work for us this time
- No, using the Soy Iso hasn't worked for us in the past three months
- No, laying on my back and actually falling asleep after BD didn't work for us this time
- No, squeezing my va jay jay muscles together all night to keep it in didn't work for us this time
- Heck No, trying to get pregnant by any method hasn't worked for us in the past year.
YIKES! It scares the C-R-A-P outta me knowing that we have been "not preventing" since 2007 and "actively trying" since 2008. I tell you what though, this au natural thing isn't really working for me. Time to move on and try the Clomid again. Maybe it will work for us both this time. We have also been seriously considering doing one more IUI. Who knows...third time might just be a charm.
In other news: The diaper cake business is coming along...thanks to my friend Jess. You are the bomb girlfriend! I have several requests for the upcoming months and I know that will bring me more requests...I need some business cards, LOL!
In teaching news: My first set of classes are hectic! Mostly because it is a lot of work but also because I don't really know a whole lot about the subject matter. Yes, it is weird that I am teaching a class for which I know nothing about the content. But hey, I have a MBA and I'm smart so I guess they saw something in me. Hopefully, I will be offered a PT postition.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
New Home Based Business
Check it out:
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Survey Says....
Excuse me while I go make a baby!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Positively Positive

Monday, July 13, 2009
An Award...For Me?

7 Blogs that are interesting and engaging...
- Jenn:
- Wifezzilla:
- JackieMac:
- PJ:
- Murgdan:
- Megan:
- Lindsay:
10 honest things about ME
- I am really very self conscious. I know that I am a beautie but for some reason I can't stand to look at myself most times.
- I love to passionately so that I will open up a restaurant one day.
- I have made a lot of mistakes in my life even though I pretend that I haven't.
- I often feel that my IF is caused by my mistakes and that I am being punished.
- I want to experience the joys of pregnancy so much so that I often ball clothes up and make myself a mock belly. I know it isn't normal but I don't give a shit.
- I love attention!
- I am a giver. I give to others more than I should and I often neglect my well being because of this.
- I don't like people who pass judgement on others due to their beliefs. It really irritates me!
- I have a jealous nature.
- IF has brought me to this low place that I NEVER thought I would see. It has also made me stronger.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
My Saturday
I also wanted to send a formal Thanks to Jess, who began following my blog faithfully a few months ago. Thank you for your support and I am so sorry about your loss.
Babe and I had an interesting conversation today. It went like this..
Babe: Do we have any fertility pills left. (Referring to Clomid)
Me: No but the Rx is still fillable at Walgreens.
Me: Why? Do you want me to take them?
Babe: Yeah, can you?
Me: I could....but I shouldn't without monitoring. We would end up with quads!
Babe: (shrugs) Well at least we could have them all at once and be done.
Disclaimer: I would like to let you all know that I would NEVER consider doing this. But I did think about it...deeply... for a brief moment.
In other non baby related news: I will begin teaching my first two online classes in 2 weeks. I can't believe it. I am excited and a bit nervous now because a lot of time has lapsed since the training and the classes. I am sure I will do fine.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Why I Love My Husband
We had already been discussing the sheer gall of people nowadays. How many times does one person have to ask about us having babies. Sometimes, I think it is funny to them to watch us squirm as we try to diplomatically answer their questions. Other times, I think that they know we are having trouble and they just want us to confirm so that the gossip train can start.
Recently, Babe and I were at the gas station and ran into someone who I knew would ask about our babymaking efforts. I can spot them a mile away, really I can, and this one had it written all over her face. I put on a fake smile and greeted her as Babe continued to pump gas. No sooner than the hug was exchanged it happened...
Her: So whats going on with the babies?
Me: Huh?
Her: Why is it taking so long? It's been forever. What's going on with you guys? When are you going to have a baby?
Me: (Deer in Headlights Look)
Babe: Well, we are just having fun right now.
Her: (Slightly uncomfortable with the visual I'm sure) Oh okay well do your thing then. I was just thinking that it is taking a long time.
Babe: Yeah we are really enjoying the practice.
Me: (Still staring with that DIH look)..Chuckle.
Babe: Diverts the conversation elsewhere.
Phew...I told Babe that I was very grateful that he saved me because I almost died there. He agreed and said that he noticed I was stuck and in distress so he decided to jump in. If I never appreciated my husbands quick witt, I surely did this day. Thanks Babe...that was a close one!
In other news: I am doing one more cycle of Soy before I break. There is no real way to tell if it is helping or not since my issue was mainly discovered by ultrasound. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I am one of those women who do ovulate regularly and AF arrives right on time but I don't ever know if the ovulation is strong enough for a pregnancy. Since this is the month that marks our first year of ttc after the official diagnosis, I will be using OPK's along with the soy. If no BFP this month, I will gingerly bring up another IUI to Babe. I feel like it's time.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Rounding the Year Mark and Still No Baby
Since my last post I have also:
- Had a SIL who gave birth to a baby girl
- Found out that Babe's cousin was pregnant
- Found out that a co worker is pregnant
- Found out that said co worker's SIL is pregnant with #2
- Found out that an internet friend is pregnant with #2
- Endured Mother's Day
- Endured Father's Day
- Endured at least 20 people asking me on 20 different occasions when we were going to have kids.
I am proud to announce that I am still here and stronger than before. But who am I kidding really? Everyone knows that infertility breaks a persons spirit. I am okay with that but it is a hard pill to swallow to see Babe's spirit broken. He is my stregnth and my protector. But recently, he has been clearly expressive about the "unfairness" of it all. I do believe he is finally "getting it". Unfortunately, "getting it" doesn't get us a baby.
Next month will be another year for us. It will probably be the hardest month to see a BFN. We both had a reflection today. How is it possible that there are millions of women out there who don't want children and yet keep having them so easily while millions of women who do want children can't have them at all? Babies being born to teens who are just babies themselves. Babies being born to drug addicts. But, yet women who have good jobs and are financially stable, highly educated, warm loving hearts, suffer with the curse of infertility? Life is royally screwed!
Oh and Have a Happy Fourth of July!
Friday, April 24, 2009
It's not like we really had a chance why am I so pissed?
I don't know why I am so pissed anyway. It's not like we were really going to get pregnant this time. I guess that little four letter word called "hope" crept into my life while I was busy doing other things. Sometimes I hate that word. I feel like my life is better without it...well when it relates to babymakin' and such.
Of course my EWCM is drying up so I know that I did O already and everytime I think about it I just get so upset. Just for the simple fact that we didn't try when we could have. And for the fact that yet another month passes me by and I am STILL.NOT.PREGNANT! When will this madness end already?
I really wish God would just have mercy on me with this one. I really don't ask for much and I don't think that asking for a family is wrong or out of his will. I just don't know anymore. I am so tired of this struggle and I long for the day when it is over. I'm angry and hurt and just plain sad.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Spotting and Such...

Monday, April 6, 2009
The Results Are In
And just for kicks my symptoms so far:
- Major activity in my lower abdomen including dull cramps,twinges, pricks, heaviness, and just overall weirdness.
- Sore breasts including the nipples
- Constipation
- Increased thirst
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Bleeding, Bedrest, and BETA's

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Even better than before!
Let me just say that I am so proud of my scholarly ovaries. As if 2 mature follicles weren't enough last time...yes friends the ovaries have done it again. I have 3 mature follicles this go round. Two are measuring at 19 and one at 21. This has got to be it!
I was like a proud mama this morning as the IVF coordinator told me my scan was beautiful. Lining is good and I have some nice plump eggs. We are anticipating that my estrogen level will be just as nice and hopefully my progesterone will be better than the last time. I felt like walking out of there with my chest stuck out and I did!
The doctor came in personally to talk to me about the risk of multiples. I almost chuckled in his face because hello..I would be happy to get how many ever God chooses me to house in my warm cozy uterus. But I held it back and just politely said, "Yes, we are fine with those risks and we do want to proceed".
Just for kicks...I have a 5% chance for triplets, 10% chance for twins, and 20% chance for a singleton. I would be ecstatic with just one but I don't really care if it is more at this point. Also they mentioned that my progesterone last time was a bit borderline considering I had two eggs last time. I'm sure it will be much better this time.
So my IUI is scheduled for tomorrow at 10 and Friday at 10. Pray for me and Babe!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Fed Up with Fed Ex
Well I told my supervisor I needed to leave 30 minutes early so I could get my package. I called the leasing office and they said that the package hadn't arrived. I thought it was weird but I just figured it would come tomorrow. Well I called Babe as I usually do and he said I missed my package delivery.
So I call Fed Ex and Mr. Rudepants proceeds to tell me that he couldn't deliver the package to the office because it has to be signed specifically by me or "someone" in #106. O.....K..... So I tried to tell him that this wasn't the first time I had gotten this specific package from this specific company but the jerk cuts me off and says that "THIS" package can't be delivered from the front office. So I am royally pissed by now..I am steaming and slightly borderline panicked.
Well I tell him that I am going to call the company and have them handle it. Well I called and boy were they pissed. The lady said that it was the first time they have ever done that and that she was going to get a manager on the phone if they give her any guff. Well she said that she would only call back if she had trouble and I didn't get a call back so....
We will see what happens tomorrow.
Countdown to follie check
So I took the pills out of the blister pack and even cut them in 1/2 for him while lovingly mentioning that they were on the counter...pre cut. I am a bit frustrated by this but I know he is under loads of pressure right now from other life events so I am really, really trying to behave and not go on a rampage about him forgetting his meds. I being that unreasonable? It's....1/2 of a pill!!!! Anyway...I am off my soap box now.
In other news...I really tried not to let anyone at work know about the upcoming treatment cycle but somehow everyone seemed to have figured it out. But then again I guess it isn't that hard when I had to put in for three days in a freakin' row. I just hate the pressure of having to tell everyone after the TWW is up of the results. I do feel better prepared for whatever results we will get after this treatment cycle. I just can't wait to get these IUI's on the road.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Moving on and moving up

- Said girl drives an hour to RE.
- Said girl waits in waiting room for 5 minutes.
- Said girl has her date with the ultrasound wand (for a total of 4 minutes)
- Said girl receives Clomid prescription, HCG paperwork, and next appointment.
- Said girl shells out $300.00 for a 30 minute appointment.
- Said girl drives an hour back home and wonders when it will ever get easier and more convenient for her since she is the one suffering with IF.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Envy is not cute.

Monday, March 9, 2009
I am in a transitional phase right now. We took the month off from treatments because 1) Babe wanted to and 2) Because my mental state really needed a vacation. So obviously I am not all that excited about the outcome of this month but I have had several symptoms that threw me off for a bit. I'm back now.
Since I have no clue when I actually ovulated..yes I know that is probably shocking for most of you all to believe since I am the ovulation expert, I have no clue when I will be getting AF. I am assuming that by the EWCM and pinches I probably O'd sometime around the 25th of February. And yes, that was waaaaay early for me. And by that assumption I can only deduce that I will get AF on Wednesday. I will say that I am secretly hoping she lost her directions.
The good news is that if she does find her way to my house then I will be preparing to enter another month of fun fertility treatments...Yay. Hopefully the second time will be the ticket. I'll keep everyone posted.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Left Behind
I am also in a group of women who are undergoing IUI and IVF cycles. 3 of them, already pregnant within the first month of us getting to know each other. 2 of those 3, it was their first cycle. I am happy for them but, I still can't help but left behind.
Babe and I have friends who are newly married and most of who did no planning to have a baby. Most of them have become pregnant, some of them pregnant with their second. Some of them it was a shock, some of them weren't even happy about it. I am happy for them but, I still can't help but left behind.
It's like being back in High School. Every popular girl belongs to "that club". A club I so desprately wanted to be a part of. And yet almost 10 years later I am dreading going to my class reunion because I don't want to be that unpopular girl again. The one who has friends that can intermingle with the in crowd and leaves me, behind. I want to be a part of that club, the one where conversations consist of changing diapers and breastfeeding, labor stories, and pregnancy symptoms. And yet here I am in the background, once again...left behind.
I found this article and I wanted to include it in my blog entry because it was so fitting. In order to do this properly I know I needed to acknowledge the author. So thanks to Sharon van Wyke for your article on LBS. It really hit home and helped me to realize that I am not left behind...alone.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
How's this for Irony?
For you see today I had decided that it was time to let out all my bottled up frustrations. Frustrations from this past failed cycle, from my DH's low numbers, from the Jesus conversation with my mother last night, from a surprising comment that we need to relax from my dad, from my DH making me move our appointment yet again...just from everything. And just when I thought that it could not possibly get any worse.
As I am on my way home in tears I tell God that I am just one step away..just one more "surprise we're pregant" person away from loosing it. And I stop by the mailbox and pull out the mail and walk in to my DH on the phone. He hugs me and the tears are just streaming down my face. And I'm just so close to just loosing it...just having a pure mental breakdown. And he hangs up and says "You will never guess..." And I already know what's coming. So I said, "Go ahead and tell can't get any worse than it already is" And I don't know if it is because I deserve to be tortured or if it is because I am a bad person or that maybe somehow Karma if there is such a thing found me but God Almighty you have got to be kidding me!
DH tells me his friend CF and his wife just found out they are preganant. And all I can say is Holy Mary Mother Freaking WOW! Please someone tell me...Am I being punked? No seriously...Ashton Kutcher better come running out of my bedroom right now because this crap is NOT funny. This is the worst most cruel twist of nature I have ever experienced. And oh no it doesn't stop there...because my life is so funny, I open the package I got in the mail and Surprise! My Pregnancy Tests that I ordered to test for Valentines Day days the middle of one of the worst days yet. I feel so special...
And because my wonderful husband wanted to add fuel to the fire he says "we just need to have more sex". Sure honey...let's try that! Because God it's not like we have been trying that for all these months. Are you kidding me?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Baby or Bust!
So many people have asked me how I am doing and if I am okay...I feel special, I really do. The support has been tremendous. Thank You everyone. We have not decided if we will use this cycle to recoup or if we will jump right back into treatment. I am opting for the latter but Babe is fighting strong for the break. I think it was just too much for him to handle.
We have an appointment with the RE on Wednesday so I will most likely update everyone then. If we do choose to proceed then I will have my CD3 u/s done Wednesday and begin Clomid that day as well. I think I feel the need to press on and set my sights on the prize in order to keep my mind off of the disappointment of this past cycle. It's hard and it hurts but...I am strong. I know we can do this with the proper support.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Two down, Two Week Wait to Go!
We definitely can't afford IVF so we are praying hard that God gives us a miracle. Otherwise, I guess it is back to trying au natural until something happens. So we are on to the two week wait. I don't know how I feel going into these next two weeks. I know I have to believe with all my heart that this procedure works. That is all I have to hold on to right now. I know if we get a negative then we can try again because we can always save but now the issue becomes more difficult because the doctor feels that IUI is no longer our best option. What else can I say...Infertility is very depressing.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Easy as 1-2-3
An hour later we were back and before I could blink, I was naked from the waist down with my feet in stirrups and the doctor between my legs. At least he was cordial and I thought about having a smoke afterwards. The IUI was nothing more than a pap. I didn't feel the cathedar going in nor did I feel the introduction of the semen into my uterus. It went off without a hitch!
There were however some downfalls. First, Babe's count was way low at 2 million post wash. The doctor was not happy about that. Second, I did have some cramping and spotting after the procedure. Third, we had to do it all over again the next day and pray for better counts...To be continued!
Friday, January 30, 2009
If you look in the dictionary....

We're going to have twins!!!! - Vlog #2
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Fear Will Cripple You....If You Let It!

I have been having a problem recently with fear. I talked to my mom about it and she was helpful but the fear keeps creeping up on characteristic of fear, huh? So I decided to do a dump post to divulge all of my fears to my loyal readers. Most of this may seem stupid but hey...fear has no respect, so here goes.
- Guns and being shot by a bullet.
- Fire and being burned alive.
- All Bugs
- Being in a car accident.
- Death and dead people.
- Ghosts and the fact that they do exist.
- Staying at home alone during the night.
- Being raped.
- Being pulled over by the police.
- Brain Aneurysms.
- Life without my husband.
- Needles
- Infertility...
And recently my infertility status has made me more fearful than ever. Here are my random infertility fears. I fear....
- That big azz needle that ironically will be going into that big azz of mine.
- That the Clomid didn't work.
- That the Clomid worked too well.
- That Babe's sperm count will be too low post wash.
- That I will have way too many mature follicles.
- That they will cancel the cycle right there while I am on the table.
- That the procedure won't work.
- That I will get a BFN at the end of my tww.
- That I will get "the call" at work telling me the procedure didn't take.
- That Babe will be disappointed.
- That I will never be a mother.
But despite all of these fears, I know I have to believe and stay hopeful. The reality is that this fear consumes me, it cripples me beyond recognition. I am afraid of all the things that can go wrong to the point where I have convinced myself that they will go wrong. Fear will cripple you...if you let it. So, all I can do is not succomb to this fear. I know that God is faithful and as my mom told me last night...
"The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself".
And with that, I am going to look fear in the face, throw away my crutches, and tell fear to kiss my big ol' azz!
Friday, January 23, 2009
This is my life for the next 12 days - Vlog #1

Now I know that everyone has been waiting and waiting for updates and I promised I would do it big didn't I? So for your viewing pleasure here is my very first Vlog...enjoy!
BTW: Make sure you have time because it is about 10 minutes full of pure rambling! Oh and don't's my first one. It will get better...promise!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I know I promised but....
So tomorrow while I am supposed to be working I will attempt to download the video again. For you see at work...I have wireless network connection and that my friends is the best kind! Well I am off to take my Clomid and eat a chicken salad sammy. I will post tomorrow. Promise!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Finally....We're getting somewhere!
Me: This is R
N: This is Dr. M's office calling to remind you about your 9:30am appointment tomorrow.
Me: Oh, okay Thanks.
N: Also, we ask that you not wear any scented lotions or purfume as you are entering an IVF cycle.
Me: (Thinking to myself..No I am entering an IUI cycle and why can't I wear my Vicky Secretions?)
Me: Okay..BTW did you have a chance to check my benefits?
N: I did...hold one moment...(Crappy V.O.I.P phone musak plays)..Yes I didn't call back because it looks like not much has changed. You are only covered for diagnostics.
Me: Well I was wondering about the ultrasounds and how much they would run...?
N: Are you entering a cycle?
Me: Yes...(An IVF cycle apparently)
N: Depending on how everything looks it will probably be between $107 and $190.
Me: Ooooh...o...kay.
N: Okay then sweetie see ya tomorrow!
All I am thinking is how can she be so excited to take my money. I am still holding onto hope that the RE office will code them exactly the same as all my other ultrasounds and they will be covered. I can assure you I will be yelling "Thanks God" if those baby's are covered! I am learning to be thankful for the small things in life.
So life is good. I will be in attendance tomorrow at 9:30am complete with ashy knees and ankles...Oh and foul B.O!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
A letter to my dear Aunt Flo:

Curse you Aunt Flo! You are NOT a girls closest fact you are MY worst enemy! You cause me unbearable stomach pain and every time you arrive I find myself curled in a ball praying to God above that you do not kill me. You cause me to pop countless pills just to find some relief from your wrath. I do NOT love you for that. Oh how I wish you would just pass my house for the next 9 months and prey on some other unsuspecting soul. And although I would love to thank you for bearing me a monthly gift, I will most likely want to exchange that gift for a precious reflection of my husband and myself. You are quite the witch Aunt Flo and your visits are becoming more and more annoying. PLEASE stop bothering me!
A Disgruntled Mommy Wanna Be.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Ramblings of a Subfertile

I know he understands my motives. Sometimes they are good but the way they are portrayed seem all wrong. I know that his is sensitive right now about our issues and I didn't take that into consideration when we were discussing our plans for this cycle. Looking back I could have been a lot more understanding and a lot less rude. There were tears and lots of them but good things will come of this.
It is a lot of pressure on me right now trying to achieve pregnancy. It seems like I have tried it all. I know that this month will bring positive things but it is very hard dealing with everything emotionally. The study stream of YouTube videos keep me motivated and strong. I know this journey has only just begun and we have a long way to go yet. I just have to continue to pray for stregnth, guidance, and patience.
On the TTC front I have been spotting for a few days now. I took an HPT this morning and it was a blazing negative. I expected that of course but now it has become more of a ritual to POAS because it makes me feel safe taking Ibuprofen knowing for sure I am not pregnant. So now that we know for sure...pass me those pills!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
There is nothing wrong with my boys!
Now I know that may be a little obsessive and over the top but I don't want to spend $1200 on a cycle and then look back and think "what if". You know what if I hadn't taken that drink? What if he hadn't taken that drink. I don't know if I mentioned this but my worst fear is being cancelled right there on the table b/c the counts aren't sufficient or b/c I overstimmed.
Well anyway, I mentioned about the drinking and he goes "there is nothing wrong with me" so for some reason that really bothered me and I go "what doctor were you talking to". So he gets all defensive and I try to explain to him that if there wasn't something wrong then we would be pregnant after all this time. He seems to feel like some people just aren't compatible reproductively. I agree...but it is called unexplained infertilty not PCOS and Male Factor.
I tried to explain to him that yes his numbers are good enough for the IUI but that doesn't really mean that everything is fine. He seems to feel that there is nothing wrong with his boys. Even after two visits with very low numbers. Don't get me wrong...his count is great but with a morph of only 6.7% and motility under 50% I feel that there is clearly an issue there. I just don't get it. So we are not speaking right now. I guess I just felt like we both understood that this was both of our issue and we were both going to do what it took to make things work. Well apparently I am the only one with the problem.
There is so much more to this story than I am saying but you get the picture. Maybe it is a male thing. I am just outdone!
Friday, January 9, 2009
My upcoming cycle and pricing
Let's take a look shall we?
1/19 ~ AF is Due
1/21 ~ RE appt. for U/S and Clomid ($290 + $9.00)
1/21 ~ Clomid
1/22 ~ Clomid
1/23 ~ Clomid
1/24 ~ Clomid
1/25 ~ Clomid
1/30 ~ Follie Scan, Bloodwork and Possible Trigger ($107 + $113 + $50)
2/1 ~ IUI#1 ($289)
2/2 ~ IUI#2 ($289)
2/8 ~ P4 Check ($70.00)
2/16 ~ BETA! ($30.00)
So blogger world there ya have it. I can't wait!
*I must mention here that the total will probably be a whole lot less. The insurance will probably cover most of my ultrasounds and bloodwork but I don't know for sure so I just priced according to the RE statement.
A More Exciting TWW...And a Less Exciting Baby Shower!
On another note: My SIL's baby shower is scheduled for February. This is terrible because A. Ummm I will be undergoing fertility treatments and B. I will be undergoing fertility treatments. This whole thing screams mental breakdown. God I can just hear everyone at the shower going, "So when are you guys going to have a baby?", "Hey where is your bump?", "Oh I'm not having anymore it is their turn" and my all time number one favorite "Are you pregnant?" Oh yeah and then there is the gift opening in which a waterfall of "oooh's and aaaah's" will commence. SIL will waddle around looking all cute and preggo and I will be running around like a slave trying to avoid all akward situations at any cost.
Has any of my IF friends noticed recently that there has been an influx of babies and preggo women at every corner? I was at Golden Corral last night and we saw two new born babies and one pregnant woman who of course had to stop by our table because my MIL and FIL are so prominent in the community. SIGH.
So AF is due on MLK day..Woopie! At least we have the day off so I can sleep all day and not worry about cramps that just won't quit. I usually get AF while I am at work or on a day I have to go to work so...crap to that! This month God decided to give me a much needed break which I wholeheartly appreciate. Thanks God....
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy 2 days after New Years!
Everyone talks about resolutions and such but I feel like I do that every year and never keep them...then again maybe that is all the fun of resolutions huh?
All I know is 2009 will be my year! Babe and I will be pregnant and we will give birth to our first child...THIS YEAR! Babe was so cute on New Year's. He mentioned as the evening came to a close that he himself had two resolutions. I was shocked because Babe has never been into the resoultion thing. But here he was..surprising me yet again.
He said to me that the only two things he wanted to do this New Year was get his Camaro running and getting me pregnant. So sweet! I would like that too.
Recently I have been labeling all of my baby items in the closet. I have boxes and boxes of baby items stashed away from when we first decided that we would "pull the goalie". Unfortunately, I didn't realize it would take us so darn long to become pregnant nor did I realize that we would be struggling with IF together. The good news is A. I now have space in my closet and B. I am fully prepared to have twins!
...Laughing Out Loud
Thursday, January 1, 2009
No I'm Not Pregnant.. I'm Just Fat
So this year I resolved to not cook the eggs b/c well cooking eggs for a slew of people just sucks as I already mentioned. Especially when you have already slaved in the kitchen before church cooking 4 pounds of bacon. I did end up cooking the eggs by the way.
But on to more important things. As I am in the kitchen with my very pregnant SIL, Babe's cousin just blurts out, "Are you pregnant?". Now mind you I am completely taken aback by her question considering the fact that at Thanksgiving she asked me the same thing! So, my mind began to reel as to what whitty comment I would make but all I could muster was a "Girrrrl naw!" Now in a perfect world the conversation would have gone like this...
(She) - "Bekah, are you pregnant?"
(Me) - "Why, do I look pregnant?"
(She) - Studdering to find something to say with a dumb look on her face
(Me) - "No, I'm not pregnant...I'm just fat!"
So...there you have it. A nice start to my new year. Being asked for the gazillionth time if I am pregnant. Happy New Year to Me!