Tuesday, January 13, 2009

There is nothing wrong with my boys!

Uggggh! I am so frustrated with Babe. Last night we were having a conversation about how long it's been since we had a drink. He mentioned purchasing some wine for the weekend. Well I thought it was a bad idea b/c A. Everyone knows drinking is not the best for fertility and B. We will be starting a new cycle soon and I don't want anything hindering our success.

Now I know that may be a little obsessive and over the top but I don't want to spend $1200 on a cycle and then look back and think "what if". You know what if I hadn't taken that drink? What if he hadn't taken that drink. I don't know if I mentioned this but my worst fear is being cancelled right there on the table b/c the counts aren't sufficient or b/c I overstimmed.

Well anyway, I mentioned about the drinking and he goes "there is nothing wrong with me" so for some reason that really bothered me and I go "what doctor were you talking to". So he gets all defensive and I try to explain to him that if there wasn't something wrong then we would be pregnant after all this time. He seems to feel like some people just aren't compatible reproductively. I agree...but it is called unexplained infertilty not PCOS and Male Factor.

I tried to explain to him that yes his numbers are good enough for the IUI but that doesn't really mean that everything is fine. He seems to feel that there is nothing wrong with his boys. Even after two visits with very low numbers. Don't get me wrong...his count is great but with a morph of only 6.7% and motility under 50% I feel that there is clearly an issue there. I just don't get it. So we are not speaking right now. I guess I just felt like we both understood that this was both of our issue and we were both going to do what it took to make things work. Well apparently I am the only one with the problem.

There is so much more to this story than I am saying but you get the picture. Maybe it is a male thing. I am just outdone!

1 comment:

Jennifer Terrero said...

Your right... it is a male thing. For some reason it's just easier for them not to think that it has to do with them. It's not fair... but we always have to be the stronger ones so we are always taking more of the blame for things. Sorry you are not in speaking terms right now... it will get better.