Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spotting and Such...

I started spotting last night which is not good at this point in the game. I wish I could stay positive and give you all good news. I wish this could have been a post about how I POAS and saw two beautiful lines..but it is not.

I did POAS yesterday and there was obviously...only one line. Proceed with spotting yields AF's arrival. I am beyond myself as to why after a perfect cycle did I not get the desired results. Three eggs and 8 million sperm placed right at their doorstep and still..nothing.

I don't know where we will go from here. We have one more attempt before the doctor will say no more IUI's. I can't believe we have already done two. I have mixed feelings mostly desperation because of the fact that we may be in that rare percent that doesn't benefit from an IUI. God where will we go when we have no money for IVF.

I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it. More detail tomorrow after I take my final HPT. Prayers are requested!


Anonymous said...

I am praying for you sweetie. I am so sorry that it didn't work out this time!!

Shannon said...

I just came across your blog on Shannons.
Im sorry about the spotting. Do you spot on most of your cycles?? I do so I know when it happens its a sure sign AF is right around the corner.
Hang in there and remember that God does have a great plan for you, even if you dont see it yet.