Thursday, November 13, 2008


Why is it that when people don't experience things for themselves they feel the need to catagorize everyone based on their perceptions? I will never understand that. It's like if you haven't spent hundreds of dollars at the RE's office, gone through months of needle pokes, had dye shot through your fallopian tubes, been told you have hostile CM, endured months of vaginal ultra sounds, induced by provera for a year, subjected DH to the embarassment of touching his manhood in a public place, and given the news that you are subfertile and the only way to conceive is through IUI or IVF then you should just keep your freakin' opinions to yourself.

NEWS FLASH: Just because you relax and manage to become pregnant doesn't mean everyone who is ttc can relax and become pregnant. Infertility is NOT a mind game it is a reproductive dysfunction. Man people really need to go back to school and learn a few things or do some research or something.

Ugggh the things people say sometimes. I gather I will be loosing a heck load of friends in the upcoming months because of plain ol stupidity. Whatever.....

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