Friday, November 7, 2008

E3, FSH, and EWCM

Sounds very scientific huh? So I called the RE today to get a price sheet on IUI/Clomid cycle just in all know me, I am very obsessive, very compulsive, and overall just a freak of nature when it comes to ttc. I studied the numbers very closely trying to come up with a total but I came to the conclusion that I will just have to wait until my Follicle scan to get a breakdown of everything.

Speaking of Follicles...I saw my first glimpse of EWCM today at around 12:30pm. I am so proud of myself. Can't ya tell... It is CD10 today so I figure I will probably O on CD14 again this cycle. I would love to O earlier though because I am having a bit of a conflict with my body and the two most important national holiday's, Thanksgiving and Christmas!

I was attempting to schedule the E3, FSH, and Progesterone at the RE's office for November...again just in case. Well these tests are done on day 3 of my cycle. Low and Behold, my cycle for both November and December falls exactly 3 days before Thanksgiving and Christmas. So ultimately this means I have to either wait until January to have everything done or try to pursuade the RE to let me have the b/w and such done on CD2.

I really hope there is a silver lining somewhere around here!

1 comment:

Jennifer Terrero said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that they will do it on CD2! ;)