Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bloodwork and Ultrasound - Updates!

I spent the majority of my morning going back and forth with the RE's office. I was surprised when the NP told me that I didn't need to come in to see them until CD13 for the U/S and Babe's S/A. I am getting the B/W done through Quest earlier that morning. Babe and I will take the day off and get things done and then we will probably go to PA BBQ and relax the rest of the day. It should be a good day!

So mentally I am feeling okay. I think the wait is going to kill me but it isn't nearly as bad as the TWW. I know the 8th will be here before we know it. The good news is that they will probably be able to tell me how long it will be before I O so I can BD stress free. No OPK's this month! WOO HOO! I am actually pretty excited to find out how many eggs I produce and what sizes they are. Boy the things that amuse me these days.

Well my friends that it it for now...I don't know if I will have many updates regarding our babymaking adventures at least until we are approaching our appointment. I wonder how long it will be before we get our results back?

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