Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Countdown and The Plan

Ovulation day is quickly approaching. I have decided to kill two birds with one stone this month. Since Babe and I are observing our Anniversary on Tuesday which happens to be a holiday I thought it would be nice to go to our new favorite restaurant...The Cheesecake Factory. While we are in City Place I am going to go to B&N and while he is browsing the magazines like he usually does I will unsuspectingly purchase him a fatherhood book as well as something for myself.

I plan on surprising him with it this month provided I get a positive test result. Ironically, my O date falls right on our Anniversary date so I think God has his hands on this one. AF is due 2 days before Thanksgiving so that would make a wonderful surprise. Plus, all my family will be at my house on Thanksgiving so I think it would be great to announce our pregnancy on Thanksgiving. Of course being the quirky obsessive freak that I am will probaby test during the weekend that Babe and I will be out of town for a friend's wedding. Hopefully I can keep the secret until Thanksgiving but it is going to be hard sneaking to get a blood test done...especially with one vehicle.

Anyhoodle, that is all of course just my plan and we all know what happens to the best laid plans right? Right....

5 days and counting.......................

1 comment:

Jennifer Terrero said...

Oh... Amy.... I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO keeping my fingers crossed for you that it works out for you this month. Your plan sounds GREAT!!!!! Prayers heading your way!