Today is almost done and tomorrow is a new day...a new beginning. Tomorrow is the first day of my very first assisted cycle. I received my very first bit of cycle information early this morning as I settled down in my office. I always arrive to work a tad bit late and I always try to play "catch up" with my favorite person...C.F. While we were chatting my office line rings. The conversation goes:
Me: This is R
N: This is Dr. M's office calling to remind you about your 9:30am appointment tomorrow.
Me: Oh, okay Thanks.
N: Also, we ask that you not wear any scented lotions or purfume as you are entering an IVF cycle.
Me: (Thinking to myself..No I am entering an IUI cycle and why can't I wear my Vicky Secretions?)
Me: Okay..BTW did you have a chance to check my benefits?
N: I did...hold one moment...(Crappy V.O.I.P phone musak plays)..Yes I didn't call back because it looks like not much has changed. You are only covered for diagnostics.
Me: Well I was wondering about the ultrasounds and how much they would run...?
N: Are you entering a cycle?
Me: Yes...(An IVF cycle apparently)
N: Depending on how everything looks it will probably be between $107 and $190.
Me: Ooooh...o...kay.
N: Okay then sweetie see ya tomorrow!
All I am thinking is how can she be so excited to take my money. I am still holding onto hope that the RE office will code them exactly the same as all my other ultrasounds and they will be covered. I can assure you I will be yelling "Thanks God" if those baby's are covered! I am learning to be thankful for the small things in life.
So life is good. I will be in attendance tomorrow at 9:30am complete with ashy knees and ankles...Oh and foul B.O!