Monday, December 1, 2008

Somthing to look forward to

Right now Babe and I are in that "waiting" period. Waiting to O, waiting for his S/A, waiting for my U/S appt, waiting for a baby, waiting....waiting....waiting. I honestly think this is the worst wait EVER...Yes even as worse as the TWW. So as I am thinking about how I am going to pass the time I realize that he and I actually have something to look forward to.

Babe has never seen me get an ultrasound done during my fertile period. Well he has but since my ovaries were very cystic at the time it really wasn't very interesting. So I find it quite amusing that he will actually get to experience the joy of "the wand" AND see how many eggs his swimmers could potentially fertilize them. It will be the highlight of our day to say the least.

On another note: I feel really bad about Babe having to make his deposit this time around. I mean poor guy...I wonder if I should go in to assist this time around. Maybe it won't take an hour. I'm thinking Demi Moore...Ya know...Strip Tease! I will admit though I am not to keen on having a needle dug into my veins at 7:00 in the morning. :Sigh: whatever it takes I guess.

And so...the countdown begins. 6 days until my next RE appointment!

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