Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen...We have A Plan!

Unfortunately that plan won't take effect until my next cycle...such is life.

We went to the RE's office today. Our appointment was at 11 but they didn't call us back until 11:20 or later. I was afraid to look at the time for fear that I would go slap off on someone. Hey...give me a break, I have my period. Anyway they called us back and they took my vitals. Anyone who knows why they took my vitals for a consult appointment please feel free to elaborate! After that we went in to speak with Dr. M.

Dr. M is a nice character. He is very down to earth and I like him a lot. Hubby likes him too. He went over our history and our latest results. Everything looked okay and he gave us his recommendation. The recommendation was pretty much what I expected but for entertainment purposes I will take you through the protocol.

When AF arrives I will begin Clomid for CD3 - CD7. They will bring me back on CD12 for a follicle scan. If everything looks good they will prescribe the Hcg trigger and we will do a double...yes double IUI. So freakin' exciting! The doctor said that he expects that I will respond just fine to 50mg of Clomid since my body is doing some form of ovulation on its own anyway. He discussed multiples and SR and that is where Babe starts freaking out.

Babe says I don't want to do any type of reduction and the Dr. is tickled pink b/c I don't think he ever got that reaction out of a male client before. Babe was extreamly concerned with the whole "risk of multiples and SR" thing but I reassured him that we probably won't even have to worry about it. (Although I am almost sure we will end up with twins since we are stimming and there are twins on both my mother and fathers side of the family).

So all in all it was a good consult and we are just saving our dollars and waiting for the next cycle. Pretty freaked out about that whole shot thing but I am sure it won't be nearly as bad as I am envisioning. We are almost there people! We are so close to getting that BFP...I know it...I can feel it...I believe it!

1 comment:

Jennifer Terrero said...

Wahoo!!!!!! The HCG isn't bad at all... it took me about half hour to actually poke myself since I was so scare of it but when I actually did it... it wasn't bad at all and it didn't hurt. You'll do fine. :)