Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Partial Ovulation?

I received a call from Dr. M's office this morning. They told me that Babe's culture(s)...yes plural, came back negative for infection. This is good news! I asked them about my progesterone and they said the level came back at 8.4. Now I have heard some conflicting information about what this means. I have heard that greater than 5 or 6 means ovulation occured. According to fertility plus...

"A level over 5 probably indicates some form of ovulation, but most doctors want to see a level over 10 on a natural cycle, and a level over 15 on a medicated cycle".

So I don't know exactly what is going on with my body but looks like I partially ovulated...Great! (I'm being sarcastic by the way). I guess it just confirms what the doctors think. I am ovulating but not well enough to become pregnant. The good news in all of this is that I will find out what the doctor thinks about all of this and we will leave with a plan. Finally...making some headway.

1 comment:

Jennifer Terrero said...

Wahoo for a plan... our bodies just suck sometimes! I cant wait to hear what new things are heading your way.