Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Murphy's Law

Who is Murphy and why did he even go there with that stupid law. It is true though. Prime example...Babe and I have been planning to do this procedure for months now. It's our "Plan B". I have been mentioning to him that we need to save for it. Well low and behold guess what happens. He tells me last night that he won't have the money to do the procedure in January. Was I mad? Yes. Is there a better unforseen reason this happened? Yet to be determined.

We don't know what Dr. M wants us to do anyway and AF is due either Monday or Tuesday of next week. We don't see Dr. M until Wednesday (Yep Christmas Eve) so if he wants me to take Clomid this cycle he will pretty much have to call it in that day. He may very well just want us to try a natural cycle of Clomid to see how I respond in which case we wouldn't have done the IUI until Feb anyway. I hope this is God's way of directing us. Maybe a miracle will happen while on the Clomid au natural cycle.

In other news: Our job has decided to give us the two days before Christmas Eve off! Normally, Babe ends up having those days before Christmas off and I end up working until Christmas Eve. So what am I going to do with myself? Who knows! I am just so darn excited.

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