Friday, January 22, 2010

Where to begin...

Wow...just wow! I can't believe it has been that long since I have updated my blog. There have been so many ups and downs. This journey has certainly been one full of hopes, excitement, dreams, disappointments, prayers, anger, and utter depression. For those of you who have followed me from the beginning of my journey, I sincerely say THANK YOU! Thank you for your love and support and most importantly your prayers.

I remember when I first began this blogging thing...I remember how excited I was to be able to put my thoughts somewhere. Then I started getting readers and I began reading other blogs. I had a list of about 20 blogs which I followed religiously. Then I remember the feeling I had when I realized that it was taking longer and longer for me to become pregnant. I remember one by one by one that list of 20 became smaller because although I was happy for each and every one of these women, I was stricken with sadness for myself.

Then I remember the day when I realized that out of that list of 20 there were only 2 who were still fighting to become pregnant. That feeling is why I chose to create a new blog. So if you have been following me and you are interested in my life then let me know and I will send you the link to my new blog.

Love and Blessings to everyone~

Friday, October 9, 2009

Still Waiting...

That's all I have to say about that. Testing will commence in two days unless something else happens otherwise.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quick Update

As of today I am still free from my "monthly gift". Tomorrow is the last day before I test. If I miss tomorrow, I know that something is up. Either I am knocked up or I have those god forsaken cysts again and we are going through a repeat of 2007. (Roll Eyes)

I had a 34 day cycle last month which was atypical and I thought I may have been preggo. I have had a 28 day cycle for the past year and all of a sudden it is all screwed up. I am thinking I may have O'd late but I know if I do not get AF tomorrow something is definitely up. Tomorrow will make CD36....

Friday, October 2, 2009

Do you know what sucks about not using OPK's

...when you miss AF you don't know if it is because you are pregnant or if you just ovulated later than usual. CRAP! I guess I need to buy some pregnancy tests, huh?

I touched her belly...

And felt her baby move. It was the most amazing experience EVER!!! On the other hand, it was just another sad reminder of what isn't in my life. After it happened, I almost cried. The feeling was so overwhelming and amazing and depressing all at the same time. I don't know what is in our future. I don't know if I will ever get the opportunity to experience what she is experiencing right now. It is that feeling that I would always long for...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'll take IVF much Alex?

Recently I have been so consumed with work and more work that I haven't even had time to focus on the fact that Babe and I are STILL not pregnant nor will we be pregnant anytime soon. Yes I know that statement was rather bleak and grim but the truth hurts.

There is however some hope and it all started out with my FIL suggesting that we try the whole "IVF Vacation" deal. I must admit, it did sound like a pretty sweet deal. Babe and I were thinking either Barbados or Mexico. And new hobby became researching hundreds of medical travel companies. We were pretty set and next year we were planning to head to Mexico.

But everyone knows how the internet works. You start out with one thing and it just sucks you in. This was however, one time which I didn't mind being sucked in. After more research I discovered the Mini IVF or Mini Stim. The Mini Stim is where they use Clomid and a small amount of injectible meds to stimulate the ovaries. The point is to only get enough eggs for a fresh transfer. So, two or three max. I felt this was good for me because I stim very well on clomid so I shouldn't have any issues there

And best of all....It's only $5900 plus a few hundred for meds. The reason it is cheaper than traditional IVF is because you are not using nearly as much medicine therefore you save thousands. We will be having a consult with the clinic either over Christmas break or Spring break. I anticipate having the funds by June at the latest.

Needless to say Babe and I ARE.SO.FREAKING.EXCITED!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Who is that knocking on my chamber door?

Oh's lovely AF. She is like that bad relative that always invites themselves to your house and never wants to leave. Uggh so annoying! So as a recap...
  • No, using the OPK's didn't work for us this time
  • No, using the Soy Iso hasn't worked for us in the past three months
  • No, laying on my back and actually falling asleep after BD didn't work for us this time
  • No, squeezing my va jay jay muscles together all night to keep it in didn't work for us this time
  • Heck No, trying to get pregnant by any method hasn't worked for us in the past year.

YIKES! It scares the C-R-A-P outta me knowing that we have been "not preventing" since 2007 and "actively trying" since 2008. I tell you what though, this au natural thing isn't really working for me. Time to move on and try the Clomid again. Maybe it will work for us both this time. We have also been seriously considering doing one more IUI. Who knows...third time might just be a charm.

In other news: The diaper cake business is coming along...thanks to my friend Jess. You are the bomb girlfriend! I have several requests for the upcoming months and I know that will bring me more requests...I need some business cards, LOL!

In teaching news: My first set of classes are hectic! Mostly because it is a lot of work but also because I don't really know a whole lot about the subject matter. Yes, it is weird that I am teaching a class for which I know nothing about the content. But hey, I have a MBA and I'm smart so I guess they saw something in me. Hopefully, I will be offered a PT postition.